Current ransomware defensive efforts are not working


For North American and European ransomware victim companies in 2023, infostealer infections preceded 22% of ransomware occurrences, with common infostealers like Raccoon, Vidar, and Redline raising the probability even further. According to SpyCloud’s investigation, Raccoon infostealer malware was involved in 76% of infections that occurred before these ransomware outbreaks.

According to Trevor Hilligoss, Senior Director of Security Research at SpyCloud, “Ransomware is fundamentally a malware problem, and there is a clear pattern emerging that shows infostealer malware is directly leading to ransomware attacks.” “Organizations that fail to address malware-stolen authentication data risk more than just ransom costs, as harm to brand reputation, disruption of business operations, and resource drain can be equally or more detrimental than the ransom itself.”

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