eBay Users Beware Russian 'Telekopye' Telegram Phishing Bot


Regular Russians may now carry out full-fledged phishing assaults with no prior technical experience thanks to a straightforward Telegram bot that democratizes phishing. Russian-speaking Telegram users are employing a bot to automate end-to-end phishing attacks against customers of well-known e-commerce sites like eBay, and they’re dispersing the money they make in a corporate-like structure with administrators and “workers.”

Today, ESET researcher Radek Jizba wrote about “Telekopye,” a phishing toolkit disguised as a Telegram bot. Telekopye can create premade phishing pages, produce emails and SMS messages, and let users edit photos. In order to defraud online buyers and merchants, particularly in Russia but also in other nations across the world, it has attracted a community of cybercriminals with little to no technological expertise.

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