Source Code Review Services

Source code content

Find Security Flaws in Source Code

Each programming language has its own unique properties. Python is built for readability, Java is "write-one-run-everywhere" and C programmes must handle their own memory management. Similarly, each language has security features that must be considered during a comprehensive analysis of the source code.

Infopercept has programme security specialists well versed in a broad variety of languages, from common assembly and C programming to high-level scripting languages. An analysis of language-specific security skills may mean a difference between the detection of crucial vulnerabilities and a significant breach of records.

Stay Ahead on your Application Security Testing

Identify Flaws Earlier in the Development Lifecycle

Penetration monitoring on production applications offers an invaluable understanding of existing flaws and future harm if abused. However, it does have a reactive nature –bugs that could have been abused have been found by a check on the apps after they have gone public. . Stable code checks detect vulnerabilities before they are pushed to the development applications – and identified by attackers.

Targeted Audits for Your Most Important Software

Using a mixed approach, Infopercept experts use best-in-class code analysis software to search the entire codebase and deep manual scan for areas of vital interest.

These select features, such as user authentication and client-supplied parameters, include much of the security bugs – so that's where we do a deep dive.

Integrated Code Review for Each New Push

Infopercept conducts both stand-alone source checks and integrated code analysis as an ongoing part of the client's growth process. When integrated into the daily SDLC, our application specialists become a smooth member of the production team, ensuring that any code push has been carefully checked by trained security authorities.

Why Infopercept?

Our Methodology

Infopercept has staff, systems, and technologies that go beyond basic vulnerabilities scans to have a deep-dive security review. This methodology provides consistency for the complexity and technologies of each customer, as well as a step-by-step format for repeatable, standardised evaluations.

Our People

Infopercept hires industry-leading security professionals, all of whom are expert analysts, writers and tool makers. With passionate, highly certified consultants, our staff work tirelessly to remain at the forefront of the security sector – a determination that has been seen in our training and study.

Our Process

Infopercept uses the robust Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) technique for all penetration testing commitments. This well-defined framework guarantees reliable, repeatable evaluations while at the same time engaging the specific innovations and market risks of each customer.

Our Technologies

System audits and safety reviews have been performed across a variety of environments and technologies. Examples cover desktop and smartphone applications, virtualized systems, cloud and hybrid architectures, SCADA, and the Internet of Things (IoT).



