Network protection – and networkpenetration testing by extension – is changing as rapidly as the infrastructure on which it isdesigned. For penetration testing services that go beyond a basic vulnerability detector, youneed industry experts.
Infopercept approach to networkslopes goes above and beyond the traditional vulnerability analysis. Through decades ofcollective security expertise, our evaluation team discovers, exploits and records even the mostsubtle flaws in the network. When you're worried about your network stability, you want thehighest sloping organisation to look at it.
A network penetration test givesyour company a rare bird’s eye view of the efficacy of the safety device. Newer businesses donot yet have the power of their network security. Conversely, more sophisticated businesses alsohave large, multi-faceted networks that easily miss elements—especially as more organisationsmigrate to cloud-based services. Both situations leave room for catastrophic infringements.
In this case, you'll be madeaware of vulnerabilities much before attackers can exploit them. With this strong foresight,business executives will feel confident to take decisions about the safety of their business. Bydisplaying your freshly hardened security stance, your customers, partners, and investors willfeel secure in your abilities to safeguard their properties.
The problem with using automatedscanners is best summarised in Mark Twain's words: "Intelligence without experience isinformation." These scanners also ignore subtle security risks. It requires an advanced personto grasp the programme context and how reasoning might be manipulated. Many vulnerabilitiesactually cannot be contained in these automatic vulnerability’s scanners.
Expert security engineers atInfopercept also use the aid of vulnerability scanners at the preliminary stage of theevaluation, but this is just the beginning. With a better awareness of the programme and itsmeaning, we will offer evaluations that are more applicable to your clientele and to yourparticular security needs.
Your perimeter network is beingtargeted every day, and even minor external vulnerabilities can be dangerous. External networkpenetration testing detects flaws in Internet-accessible infrastructure devices and servers.
External penetration testingassesses the protection of routers, firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), and othermonitoring technologies that filter malicious internet traffic.
The Infopercept Experts approachthe local area network like an intruder from the inside by
hunting for privileged business information and other sensitive assets. This includes the incorporation of a number of methods, the uncovering of user passwords, and efforts to compromise all virtual and physical devices present in the network system.
The benefit of this pledge is to ensure that a violation of your external network would not result in an infringement of your properties.
Wireless (Wi-Fi) networks can be vulnerable to a variety of attacks based on wireless clients, access points, and wireless setups. Every day new exploitations against Wi-Fi networks are being developed, such as the recent KRACK vulnerability; which has allowed malicious actors to crack the encryption protocol between most routers and connected devices.
Hacking your Wi-Fi network is the most sought after method, as the compromise of the cellular network is usually the quickest route to access the internal network. Bad setup and inadequate security could reveal your internal details to everyone in the range with a laptop or a smartphone. As such, in addition to the number of possible bugs, Infopercept checks the range of the network. This involves checking for 'Wireless Bleeding,' so we can identify the distance from which a possible intruder can pick up your wireless signal.
Infopercept excels in working within a standardised, repeatable approach. We highlight this principle in every attempt to ensure that our results are accurate, reproducible, and of outstanding quality. As such, our vulnerability tests will still be checked by the team before and after remediation. In order to obtain these outcomes, we take the following steps:
1.Network Scope : Good contact with the customer organisation is stressed here in order to create a workingatmosphere that is convenient with all parties. In this step, we will carry out all of thefollowing:
2.Information Gathering : The Infopercept Pen tester gathers as much information as they can on the target, using a myriad of OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) resources and techniques. The data obtained will enable us to identify the operational circumstances of the company, and will allow us to measure the risk appropriately as the relationship continues. Targeted intelligence may include:
3.Enumeration and Vulnerability Scanning : In this step, we use a number of automated tools and scripts, including sophisticated information collection methods. We also take the time to analyse all potential attack vectors closely. In the next step, this meeting and preparation will be the basis for our attempt at exploitation.
4.Attack and Penetration : After proper planning, emphasis is on leveraging the network vulnerabilities that are found. Infopercept experts work to prove the existence of logical attack vectors while protecting the security of the network. At this point in the interaction process, the following activities begin:
5.Reporting and Documentation : Reporting is vital to the performance of the evaluation, as it offers long-term data to be exchanged with administrators and suppliers. Each documentation is tailored to the unique scope of evaluation and risk centred on the particular entity. The papers are intuitive to interpret, however informative the results maybe. In addition, there is a comprehensive remediation plan for each weakness. Any of the items you will find in our reports include:
6.Remediation Testing : As an extra service, Infopercept will review the evaluation after an enterprise has had time to fix vulnerabilities. We will retrace our commitment steps to ensure that the changes have been properly implemented. Our engineers will also search for new vulnerabilities associated with updates, such as network malfunctions or flaws in the implementation of new software. At this point, we will update our previous assessment to reflect the new status of the system.